Frequently asked questions on menopause

Menopause, also known as “the change of life,” is a natural and inevitable phase in a woman’s life. It refers to the point in time 12 months after her last period, signifying a significant transition that marks the conclusion of her reproductive age and the commencement of a new chapter.

There is no specified age for menopause, but it typically occurs between 45 and 55 years of age. Menopausal age is influenced by genetic factors, overall health, and lifestyle. While some women experience menopause early, others may go through it later in life.

Several changes in the levels of hormones in the body manifest this transition to post-reproductive years. Some of the key players are:

Oestrogen levels fluctuate during menopause. It is a primary female sex hormone. The ovaries produce less oestrogen as women approach the transitional phase of menopause, ultimately leading to irregular menstrual periods and, finally their stoppage.

Progesterone also decreases during menopause. This essential female hormone is associated with mood and normal sleep patterns. Decreased levels of progesterone during menopause lead to irregular menstrual cycles, mood swings and sleep disturbances.

FSH levels play an important role in the regulation of menstrual cycles. During menopause, there is a sharp increase in the levels of FSH. These elevated levels are mainly used as a diagnostic indication for menopause.

Luteinising hormone is associated with the stimulation of ovulation. LH levels also tend to increase, like FSH, during menopause. The increased levels of LH lead to hot flashes and other symptoms.

Several emotional and physical symptoms, such as night sweats, hot flashes, changes in bone density and mood swings, can appear due to hormonal fluctuations during menopause.

Menopause comprises the symptoms that affect a person’s daily life. However, several methods are available for managing and relieving these symptoms.

Some of the common symptoms and their impact on daily life are:

  • Mood swings
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Bone density changes
  • Night sweats and hot flashes
  • Vaginal discomfort and dryness
  • Weight gain

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

Symptoms like vaginal dryness and hot flashes can be relieved by HRT in some women. It is recommended to use this therapy with caution, under the supervision and guidance of a healthcare provider, to avoid any potential risks.

Lifestyle Modifications

  • Maintaining weight with regular exercise and a well-balanced diet improves overall health. Decreased intake of caffeine and alcohol also plays a role in improving the symptoms.
  • Consumption of phytoestrogen-rich foods like soy and flaxseed can minimise the effects of oestrogen in the body. This may help some women in finding relief from menopausal symptoms.
  • Vaginal dryness and discomfort can be treated with prescription oestrogen creams and over-the-counter vaginal lubricants.
  • Mood swings and emotional challenges can be managed by seeking emotional support from a support group or a therapist.
  • Bone health, weight control and mood swings can be improved by engaging in physical activity.
  • Alternative therapies, including acupuncture or relaxation techniques such as meditation and deep breathing, play a key role in diminishing the menopausal symptoms in some women.

Menopause is a natural phase in every woman’s life, signifying a crucial time to consider its impact on overall health. The long-term effects of menopause encompass various aspects, including heart health, bone health, and more. Emphasizing the importance of regular check-ups during this life stage is essential.

Long-Term Effects on Health

Make bone fragile

Reduction in bone density is due to decreased levels of oestrogen during menopause. Bones get weaker and increase the risk of osteoporosis. There are more chances for such women to experience bone fractures. It is recommended for women to consider adaptation of preventive measures, including calcium and vitamin D supplements and bone density tests to maintain healthy bone mass.

Increased risk of heart disease

Menopause may result in abnormal changes in cholesterol levels, increasing the risk of heart-related problems. It is crucial to monitor heart health through regular check-ups, engage in physical activity, and maintain a healthier diet.

Memory effects

There is evidence in the literature that shows cognitive functions are affected by hormonal changes during menopause. These changes increase the risk of dementia or cognitive decline. Cognitive health can be improved by staying socially active and engaging in mental exercises.

Effects on Sexual Health

Sexual satisfaction is affected by hormonal changes in women. Decreased levels of oestrogen leads to vaginal dryness and discomfort. Never hesitate to discuss your issues with your healthcare providers so that they may recommend suitable treatment options.

Gynaecological Health

Gynaecological care is critical in postmenopausal women, including regular pap smears. Discuss your gynaecological health and related concerns with your healthcare provider.

Menopause influences sexual intimacy, as changes in libido, mood swings and vaginal dryness characterise it. Appropriate adjustments and understanding among partners are essential for these physical and emotional shifts due to Menopause.

Impact on Family Relationships

Family members may face misunderstandings and strained relationships due to mood swings, fatigue and irritability that ultimately affect a woman’s interactions with her family members.

Impact on Friendships

Some women need increased support from their friends, finding themselves re-evaluating their relationships. Friendships are also affected by these emotional changes and shifts in preferences.

Physical and emotional well-being are the most important considerations during menopause. Paying more attention to yourself is crucial as it affects your overall health.

Involve in Physical activities

Menopausal symptoms, such as mood swings, bone density loss and weight gain, can be managed with the help of regular exercise. It improves your mood and cardiovascular health, playing a role in overall well-being.

Some changes in metabolism occur during menopause. These changes are manageable by regular exercise as it boosts your metabolism.

Weight-bearing exercises, including walking and strength training, preserve bone density. This can reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Alongside exercise, it is important to have adequate calcium and vitamin D intake that support your bone health.

Weight gain is associated with menopause. Women with menopause do have a complaint of weight gain, especially in the abdominal area. Obesity-related health issues can be reduced by engaging in physical activity.

Adopt a Balanced Diet

Menopausal symptoms can be managed by incorporating a balanced diet that comprises plenty of fruits, whole grains, lean proteins, vegetables and healthy fats. A balanced diet plan can provide all essential nutrients to support overall health. 

Key Takeaways

Menopause is the beginning of a new journey. It is not an end to life. It offers a lot of opportunities for self-discovery and growth. Menopause enables a woman to embrace life with grace and vitality. You can confidently cover this whole journey with a proactive approach to managing this life stage. It can become a positive and empowering experience. Always remember that you are not alone in this transitional phase of life. Support enables you to make it the most remarkable chapter of your life.

Get in Touch

If you are troubled with menopause symptoms, help is easy to find. Our menopause experts can offer rapid and reliable health advice providing  tailored treatments and comprehensive clinical care. We offer easy access to hormonal and non-hormonal treatments for the menopause with simple home deliver.